Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Meet Our New Addition! --> Earl

So, I have a ton of posts in the pipeline. Some written but waiting on others before I will post them. To help with my feelings of not stagnating too much, I will do a quick and easy post about our new addition!

For our first wedding anniversary, Chris got me a nice leafy indoor tree. We've named him Earl. He is a Schefflera Gold Capela and he is about my height (5'3" or 160cm) and he is so happy looking! 

Our cats are getting on with him great. A bit of over-interest at first by Tango but she's now realized he doesn't do much else but stand there and be happy and green. 

We're thinking that as the weather warms a bit we'll put him outside on the balcony since it doesn't get much direct sunlight but Schefflera plants need bright indirect light. We'll see how he fares out there and when it gets cold again, he'll come back inside to brighten the space. 

Isn't it amazing what a few green plants in your house can do to brighten up a difficult season? Do you have a favorite indoor tree or plant? 

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