My husband, Chris, and I have two cats. Their names are Whiskey and Tango. I would totally go for a third (and fourth, etc.) but Chris has a rule about not becoming "crazy cat people" and there is a strictly enforced rule of having no more than two cats (at least for now... >.>).
Tango (left, gray) and Whiskey (right, B&W) |
Whiskey is our food-loving sweetheart. She is timid and sweet, and is the perfect definition of a "scaredy-cat." She loves to bask in the sun. On weekend days when we are home, we leave the door open and with the sun streaming in, she is in pure bliss. She also loves to play, and her personality comes out even in "play-mode." She's very clearly just enjoying herself (no sign of predatory instinct whatsoever, see Tango below) and has the best pre-pounce butt-wiggle. Her favorite thing in the entire world is food. We only feed our cats dry kibble and, on occasion, dry treats, but Whiskey just LOVES food so much. That basically sums up our Whiskey: sun-bunny, food-motivated, sweet and timid.
Paw Pillow! |
Tango is our high-maintenance, tiny cat. At barely 6 pounds, she is able to climb on and around just about everything. She is super vocal and explorative and while we are in this transition period where boxes are in various stages of "being packed" and rearranged, she is loving exploring each individual box. Tango loves food as well, and makes sure that she gets her share when feeding time comes, despite Whiskey being 150% heavier. Tango also loves to play, but her method of playing is more vicious and instinctual and predatory. She attacks most string toys like they are a mouse or bird, going in for the kill with a quick and efficient swipe of her paws. There are two sides to Tango -- the playful, "always-in-motion" tiny kitten-like cat is her mode more than half the time. The other Tango is a sweet, adorable lap-cat. When she's in the mood, she is the most sweet, loving little lap cat. She will unceremoniously climb into your lap, sometimes pushing aside whatever is currently occupying your lap (i.e. laptop, book, iPad), step around in a few circles and then plop down. She then proceeds to look like the most adorable, angelic, peaceful kitty in all the world, deceiving you into believing that her high-maintenance side doesn't exist. She is a special, special kitty, our Tango.
MODE 1: Play!
About to pounce!!! |
MODE 2: Sleepytime. Z Z z....
Loving the sun! |
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